mardi 8 décembre 2020

Why is the overloaded function not called?

I've written some code in C++ and compiled it in GNU C++11 compiler. I defined two functions using templates to sort a set of values with different data types. One is to swap values and another is to do sorting operation. And also I defined two overloaded functions of the functions I mentioned to sort C-strings. It looks I passed the required array contained C-strings entered by user correctly but I don't know why overloaded functions aren't calling.

This is my code:

#define TOTAL 3

template<typename swap>
void Swap(swap *value_1, swap *value_2)
    swap temp = *value_1;
    *value_1 = *value_2;
    *value_2 = temp;

void Swap(char *string_1, char *string_2)
    char temp[30];
    strcpy(temp, string_1);
    strcpy(string_1, string_2);
    strcpy(string_2, temp);

template<typename sort>
void Shellsort(sort *array, int Length)
    for(short int Step = Length / 2; Step != 0; Step--)
        for(short int Counter = 0; (Counter + Step) != Length; Counter++)
            if(*(array + Counter) > *(array + (Counter + Step)))
                Swap(*(array + Counter), *(array + (Counter + Step)));

void Shellsort(char **array, int Length)
    printf("Your value is string");

    for(short int Step = Length / 2; Step != 0; Step--)
        for(short int Counter = 0; (Step + Counter) != Length; Counter++)
            if(strcmp(*(array + Counter), *(array + (Step + Counter))) > 0)
                Swap(*(array + Counter), *(array + (Step + Counter)));

int main()
    char strings[TOTAL][30];

    for(int Counter = 0; Counter < TOTAL; Counter++)
        printf("Number %hd: Enter the string: ", Counter + 1);
        fgets(*(strings + Counter), 30, stdin);

    Shellsort(strings, TOTAL);

    for(int Counter = 0; Counter < TOTAL; Counter++)
        printf("Number %hd: %s", Counter + 1, *(strings + Counter));
    return 0;

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