mercredi 24 août 2016

Non instatiable class by deleting destructor?

I have a class that I use for purely syntactic purposes, to call a function in a certain way. This is a simplified example:


template<class T1>
struct make{
    template<class T2>
    static T1 from(T2 const& t2){
        return T1{}; //or something more complicated

int main(){
    double d = make<double>::from(2);
    std::cout << d << '\n';

Now, suppose I want to warn the user that this class should not be instantiated. There may be uses for the class to be instatiable but I have the curiosity if it is possible to forbid that?

First I tried deleting the default constructor

template<class T1>
struct make{
    make() = delete;
    template<class T2>
    static T1 from(T2 const& t2){
        return T1{}; //or something more complicated

But then this is still possible:

make<double> m{}; // valid

Finally, I tried deleting the destructor and that seemed to work

template<class T1>
struct make{
    ~make() = delete;
    template<class T2>
    static T1 from(T2 const& t2){
        return T1{}; //or something more complicated

But it seems that then the class can still be allocated by new.

Should I delete both the destructor and the delete constructor, (what about the copy and move constructor?)

Is this the best way to disallow instantiation? code here:


template<class T1>
struct make{
    make() = delete;
    ~make() = delete;
    template<class T2>
    static T1 from(T2 const& t2){
        return T1{}; //or something more complicated

int main(){
    double d = make<double>::from(2);
    std::cout << d << '\n';
    make<double> m{}; // compile error (no destructor)
    auto p = new make<double>{}; // compile error (no constructor)

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