I am working off of a linux server, and I am trying to work with strings as lengths of DNA. I am trying to see if I can make one set of DNA "collide" with another set. Collide just means that two sequences are the same, but they did not originate from the same length of DNA.
Here is the data, in 5test.txt:
Here is main.cpp:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <typeinfo>
using namespace std;
inline string insert(const string& who, int where, string what)
string temp = who;
temp.insert(where, what);
return temp;
struct c_mDNA //holds the DNA sequences, remembering where it came from
string seq;
const string* orig;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, c_mDNA& m) //to print out debug info easier
os << "seq: " << m.seq << "\torig: " << *m.orig << endl;
return os;
int main()
ifstream input; string inputname; //These next couple lines deal with input
inputname = "5test.txt";
string line; //line will hold the inputted lines
int n = 5; //we're working with length 5 as a test
vector<string> oDNA; //this holds all of the original strands
vector<c_mDNA> mDNA, iDNA; //this will hold all of the mutated strands, m being the deleted and i being the possible insertions
//input loop
while (getline(input, line))
//change line from a sequence of numbers to nucleotide ACTG
//insert loop
for(auto oliga : oDNA)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
iDNA.push_back(c_mDNA { insert(oliga, i, "A"), &oliga } );
cout << iDNA.back() << endl;
//do the above for the other 3 nucleotides
//these next couple lines are important
//for (auto m : iDNA)
// cout << m << endl;
//mutate loop
for (auto& oliga : oDNA)
for (int i = 0; i < oliga.length(); i++)
string temp = oliga;
//There are 16 different combinations of two nucleotides
mDNA.push_back(c_mDNA{temp + "AA", &oliga});
mDNA.push_back(c_mDNA{temp + "CA", &oliga});
mDNA.push_back(c_mDNA{temp + "TA", &oliga});
mDNA.push_back(c_mDNA{temp + "GA", &oliga});
mDNA.push_back(c_mDNA{temp + "AC", &oliga});
mDNA.push_back(c_mDNA{temp + "CC", &oliga});
mDNA.push_back(c_mDNA{temp + "TC", &oliga});
mDNA.push_back(c_mDNA{temp + "GC", &oliga});
mDNA.push_back(c_mDNA{temp + "AT", &oliga});
mDNA.push_back(c_mDNA{temp + "CT", &oliga});
mDNA.push_back(c_mDNA{temp + "TT", &oliga});
mDNA.push_back(c_mDNA{temp + "GT", &oliga});
mDNA.push_back(c_mDNA{temp + "AG", &oliga});
mDNA.push_back(c_mDNA{temp + "CG", &oliga});
mDNA.push_back(c_mDNA{temp + "TG", &oliga});
mDNA.push_back(c_mDNA{temp + "GG", &oliga});
//check loop
for (auto m : iDNA)
cout << m << endl;
ofstream out("5out_test.txt");
int collisions(0);
//output loop
for (const auto& m_oliga : mDNA)
bool collide = false; c_mDNA collude; //collude stores the collided codeword
for (const auto& i_oliga : iDNA)
if (m_oliga.seq == i_oliga.seq) //if sequences are the same
if ( m_oliga.orig != i_oliga.orig) //if the original seqs are the same
cout << *m_oliga.orig << " and " << *i_oliga.orig << endl;
cout << m_oliga.orig << " and " << i_oliga.orig << endl;
collide = true;
collude = i_oliga;
if (collide) out << m_oliga.seq << " orig: " << *m_oliga.orig << " collides with: " << collude.seq << " from: " << *collude.orig << endl;
else out << m_oliga.seq << " orig: " << *m_oliga.orig << endl;
return 0;
I have labelled the five loops "input", "insert", "mutate" "check" and "output". there is a copy of the "check" loop inside of the "insert" loop that I have commented out.
This is creeping me out. When I leave that copy commented, I get garbage like this output from the "check" loop:
seq: GCGTAT orig: GCGTAT
orig should be a length 5 string, and it should be pointing to an element in the oDNA vector. From the "output" loop, when it finds a collision, it prints this out to the screen:
0x61cf80 and 0x7fffffffd6a0
the first line doesn't print anything for *i_oliga.orig. The pointer is still pointing somewhere.
Now when I uncomment the first "check" loop:
seq: GCGTAT orig: GCGTT
0x61cf80 and 0x7fffffffd650
For some reason, the pointer is still pointing to a completely different place, but I am getting the answer that I want. i have tested to make sure that this is consistent behavior.
Why does the commented out loop change the results?
Another thing that might be useful to know is that when I import main.cpp and 5test.txt to my home computer and run the program on visual studio 15, I only ever get garbage results.
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