dimanche 29 janvier 2017

Tuple of vectors and push back

I have a vector of tuples, I would like to push_back() each value from another tuple into the corresponding vector in the "vectors tuple". The create() function in the code is where I would like to do this.

class ComponentManager
  using Index = int;
   * Provides a handle to a component
  struct ComponentHandle {
    static constexpr Index Nil = -1;
    bool nil() { return index == Nil; }
    const Index index;

  ComponentHandle lookup(Entity e) { 
    return ComponentHandle{get(m_map,e,-1)}; 

  template<int i>
  auto get(ComponentHandle handle) {
    return std::get<i>(m_field)[handle.index];

  ComponentHandle create(Entity e, Fields ...fields) {
    // m_fields.push_back ... ???

  std::vector<Entity>                m_entity;
  std::tuple<std::vector<Fields>...> m_field;
  std::map<Entity,Index>             m_map;

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